Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Uncovering the Past Creating a Future

August 4, 2021

Oh Well!



Well. That's a deep subject. Ok, ok. That was the lamest dad joke of the year. Or, maybe the decade. I have to work on those. I know I have a really good dad joke when my daughters groan and roll their eyes. Then I do a fist pump, clench my eyes closed and say "YESSSSS!!" Dads everywhere are nodding their heads. Teenage girls aren't reading this but they would be rolling their eyes. "Stop doing that or your eyes will stay that way!" Wives / significant others are glancing sideways at the dads knowingly. It's true! And, this is the same look they give when dad nails a dad joke, by the way. Am I right?

"Dad Joke" Response. 

Speaking of nailing it, you will have to wait until next week to see what we discovered during this past week. There are some very interesting things being uncovered. Which means, as you may have guessed by now, demo is underway! We were given permission to begin the demo so demo we do. The one wing of 48 keys (units in motel-speak), which will become 32 units (units in apartment speak) is getting the interiors demoed by removing unnecessary bath tubs, showers, toilets, carpeting, cabinets and preparing it for the transition. Okay. Here is a sneak peak. Big reveal next week. 

Walls are coming down!

And, we can start putting things back sooner rather than later. We have received approved electrical and architectural permits! Woohoo! There is celebration all around. Things are getting real. Also, we learned we can get temporary occupancy in the completed units while the other units under construction are underway and before we have certificate of occupancy for the whole building which will be way at the end of the project. How cool is that?

As we dig into the buildings we uncover some exciting things from days gone by. It can be said we are looking at the past. And, we know how we want it to look so we are in fact looking to the future. This reminds me of a gentleman I met a number of years ago who is licensed in neuro-linguistic programming. You see, he called his company Janus with the tagline, "Looking to the past creating a new beginning." Janus was the Roman god in Greek mythology who had two faces - one looking to the past and one to the future. For some reason I thought "two-faced" meant something completely different. Huh. Learn something new from time to time. 


Back to Thunder Mountain. We are tearing into the walls and uncovering a past. This past is creating a new challenge for the future. However, this is the present so we will get to that in the future and stick to the here-and-now. The demo I am referring to is where the windows are. Speaking of windows, they have been ordered and will be delivered to the property on August 17 and ready to install! Depending how our current uncovering of the past goes to creating a new there such thing as a "new future"? If so, where is the old one? As we work in the present to create a future we uncover things from the past. And, these uncoverings prove that things are not always as they appear. As we say, "you cannot judge a building by its drywall!" Actually, I think the original quote references a book or something. I should research that. 

Kitchen is Taking Shape

Occupancy remains steady. We have 6 current residents with 2 who recently moved out and 2 who are moving in. Not many. However, it's a little income to cover a little expenses. Our hope is to create a community of like-minded residents who move in more permanently, or long-term anyway, and so fulfill our mission of creating communities which are safe, functional, durable, clean. So far so good! Our focus is the permanent renter - one who may never own a home and would like to live in one. I had to add "like to live in one". This distinction is very important. Because, we could have another type of property that has permanent residents too. But, a cemetery isn't what I have in mind for ownership. 

On the topic of income, the income from the rentals didn't cover the basic expenses of the building in its current state so we sent them a little money to cover them. And by "current state" I am referring to its condition and the operations. We plan to keep it in Arizona. No plan to move it anywhere. Rest easy. 

Current State

The onsite manager we had there was a bit overwhelmed with the project and elected to liberate herself to the marketplace. The property management company is working diligently on getting a new onsite manager in place. They have a candidate in mind and have to do the obligatory background check and then he can start in a few days. Looks promising! And, we understand this type of project isn't for everyone. We wish the previous onsite manager good luck with her move on to something which better suits her. 

More exciting news coming next week! Stay tuned to this channel for further updates. 

And that is our project from my corner of the globe ~Bruce