January 5, 2022
Here we are 5 days into 2022. How many of you have already broken your New Year's Resolutions? It's that time of year when the gym's are full, diets are begun and people are energetic to take on new and exciting things. For some reason people do this right after their overindulgence at Christmas, Chanukah and New Year's celebrations. Do you think it will really stick? Not likely. You see, our tendency is to take on too much, too soon and without any accountability. And, about this time next month the gyms are no longer packed, the health food is back on the shelves without shortage and people have fallen into old habits. For something to become habit it needs to become "sticky" - as sticky as those delicious caramel rolls fresh out of the oven. Yeah, that sticky. So much for the diet...
In Chinese custom it is the Year of the Tiger. Well, it officially begins on February 1 and not January 1. I am not sure why as I just learned that myself. Nevertheless, as you work on your resolutions, if you need motivation for running, for example, here you go:
I am sure it would keep you motivated! It would have you running anyway. Let me know how that works out for you.
This week has begun interestingly enough. It seems people are still on "holiday". It made me think, it's a "holi-day" not a "holi-month". Granted, we took a few days off around Christmas and New Year. But...the whole month? Nada. We are still diligently at it to make our communities safe, functional, durable and clean just like Thunder Mountain Apartments in Sierra Vista. And, there are some terrific updates!
Let's start with the windows.
All the windows are in for Phase I. How exciting is that? As you can see, it will be aesthetically pleasing too. Next for the outside is to stucco around the windows and then paint the outside. That's a ways off yet. The construction crew has also demoed many more units, And, the roughing in prior to inspection is well on its way.
The electricians say they have caught up to the construction crew in the upstairs units. They will, however, still remain on sight as they can work on the main feeder lines as well as miscellaneous items in hallways and downstairs items. We will keep the pressure on the construction crew to keep hammering away so we can keep the electricians right behind them!
Here's another view of the electrical they are doing in the hallways. Get your mind out of the gutter...it's for electrical wiring!
First floor sprinkler system is completed outside of connection to the riser which will be installed outside. Now, the connection to the water company is a whole 'nother story. Wow. You would think it would be simple. But, no. They are asking for things which don't exist, are not needed or simply too costly to produce. They wanted $6,000 to hook up to the water main. We sent them the funds. Then they sent us a laundry list of items which they need to hook up which were completely unnecessary. To get this hookup complete we finally had to resort to the engineer and A&R Fire (who is doing the install) to get on the phone, and ultimately the same page, as the water company. This should be the final step. Wow. What a racket. Oh, it's a private water company so this may explain the challenge. Or not. "Whatevs" as the young kids say.
The sprinklers are 90% complete on the second floor. The hallways, common areas and stairwells have all been completed. We are well on the way to completion! Oh, and the fire alarm systems, you know, the visual and auditory alarms, are being run as well. They are well on their way towards completion for that too!
Over the next few weeks there will be more of the same as they progress into Phase II of the project. There should be an inspection of the work-to-date soon! After that we can cover up the electrical and plumbing and install the cabinets; which are already on site.
Did you know that when a male lion and a female tiger mate their offspring is a "liger"? And, the offspring of a male tiger and female lion is a "tigon"? This is crazy. Who was the one to figure this out? Certainly not the one about to flick the tiger in the pic above. I don't think the tiger would be interested in a lion at that moment.
Now, go take on 2022 - the Year of the Tiger.
Thank you for the updates! The new windows definitely make the building looks like more updated! Awesome job and Happy New Year to you and your family!!! Year of Tiger is going to be an awesome one!!!