Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I'm sorry, I wasn't listening...

 April 27, 2022


We have all been there. You know, hearing someone speaking and itching to add to the conversation. Yep. You have a pearl of wisdom which everyone needs to hear and can't wait to drop this detail that will make everyone look at you with wonderment. 

Or, there is storytelling and there is one person who is so amped up to share and say, "I have a better one!" and then go on sharing something that is so embellished that we all want to roll our eyes. I know you haven't been that person. That's someone else. 

Or, there is the time I hear my brother sharing something and I can't wait to offer him a solution, even though he isn't looking for one. I am antsy, pacing, opening and closing my mouth getting ready to solve his problem. Then when I get done with my big brother advice? He replies, "You are offering me a solution to a problem I don't have." Bam! The door is quickly shut and at this point I realize his problem is bigger than he realizes and he is in denial. The battle begins. 

Each quarter I put together a 1-1-5-3-1 plan. This is a fabulous goal setting and skill gathering technique. In fact, if I keep this up for the next 20 years, by the time I am 73 I will have 80 new skills! How amazing is that? No time to retire with that in mind. Besides, as my uncle used to tell me, "Retire from what?" When you have a good attitude people think your life is flowers and butterflies. is!

I am sure you are itching to know the 1-1-5-3-1 plan. Here, let me explain. To do so I will outline a bullet format as below:

  • 1: Pick the #1 goal for the quarter
  • 1: Determine the #1 skill needed to reach that goal
  • 5: Read 5 books to learn that skill
  • 3: Listen to 3 audiobooks to learn that skill
  • 1: Choose 1 mentor to lean on
My goal for this quarter is to be a good listener. And the skill I need to learn? How to ask good conversational questions. You see, the importance is not hearing, and not only listening. Really. It is to be engaged. Not to be interesting, rather, be interested. This is what people are looking for when they talk to you. They want to know you are internalizing what they are saying and taking it in. Have you ever met the person who is genuinely interested in learning who you are? When you leave you think, "That was a great conversation! I really like them." Do you know why? They listened. They cared. They responded instead of reacted. 

Now, that brings me to a sidebar. Do you know the difference between responding and reacting? I will make it simple for you. When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you medication, he may tell you to come back for a follow up appointment. And, when you return he sees you "reacted" to the medicine. That's bad! So, he takes you off that medicine and puts you on another. When you have your next appointment he sees you "responded" to the medication and are doing better. That's good. 
Respond to people and situations, not react. Simple to say, hard to do. 

This reminds me of a time I was visiting with a group of friends and someone asked me my opinion. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. I was waiting for my time to talk." Who else has had this happen to them? Can I see a show of hands? We all have. Yep, even the quiet ones. Though, this happens more to us chatty folk I am certain. 

Let's take a look at what is happening at Thunder Mountain. We are über excited with the progress this week. Instead of a bunch of words, I will share pictures. 

Paint & Flooring Entry

The entryway has new paint and flooring. Doesn't it look amazing? Ignore the dusty footprints! It's still in the construction phase. 

Paint Flooring Living Room

And, the living area looks awesome! Don't let the views distract you. Or do. They are awesome too. 

Cabinets Studio

Yep! Can you believe it? Cabinets are going in. They are looking incredible. 

Cabinets 1-Bed

Wow! Are you as excited as I am? If you are 1/2 as pumped as I am, you will be spinning circles in your chair as you read this. As McDonald's has said, "I'm lovin' it!" 

Here is the latest: The painting is done and the cabinets are installed in Phase I. The next step will be to get the countertops installed. They will be granite or quartz. Of quartz, don't take the counters for granite! 

And then the cabinet hardware, electrical fixtures, sinks, plumbing fixtures and appliances.

Things are getting real...

And that is our project from my corner of the globe ~Bruce

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