Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sign of the Times...

 July 30, 2021

Thunder What?

I mentioned at some point there would be hiccups and challenges we face. I didn't know something so big would hit us so soon. Earlier this week, I asked if I could get an update on the updates at Thunder Mountain. This picture was shared with me. With horror, I immediately, or shortly after receiving it, said it has to be fixed straight away as I cannot use that in my blog! And, then I go ahead and use it for my headliner. Go figure. 

Attention to detail. This is the theme of the week. It wasn't. But, now it is. Being it's midweek, we best get busy on attention to detail. I suppose I should share it with the team so they know. Attention to detail. 

Nate, being always on top of making things happen, let the staff at Thunder Mountain know of their error and to fix the sign. I barely had time to say "Truth or Consequences, New Mexico" and I received an updated pic. Did you know that there is a town named Truth or Consequences right in our neighboring state of New Mexico? I think it's really cool, the name that is. I have never been to the town. I should add it to my bucket list. 

Truth or Consequences, NM

See? There it is just a bit north of Las Cruces, NM which is a bit north of El Paso, TX. Truth or Consequences sits in Sierra County,  New Mexico, which is not the same as Sierra Vista, Arizona even though they share the name "Sierra". That's just a coincidence. It's a real place. Cool story too! You can read about it HERE so I don't need to regurgitate it for you and make a mess. 

Back to our property which is in Sierra Vista and deep in Cochise County, Arizona. The county seat for Cochise County is Bisbee, a tiny town of 5,000 people The county seat was originally in Tombstone, AZ which is home to the notorious Boot Hill of the gunslinging days of yesteryear. After the declining population due to the shuttering of the silver mines, it was moved to Bisbee. Do they shutter silver mines? I don't know but I do know they were closing them. I think it should have been moved to Sierra Vista, a much more populated and popular town; not the silver mines, the county seat. Wow, that was quite a diversion. I try to limit them to one per blog. What is this now, number two? Three? Well, back to the property. The truth is, the sign was quickly fixed and a new picture was taken and sent to me. There were no consequences. Big problem averted. See below:

Much Better!

On Tuesday Ben & Nate put their wheels in motion and made the few hour trek to Thunder Mountain to meet with the contractors to keep their wheels in motion. Questions were answered. Plans were made. Vision shared. Things are getting real! Permits are applied for. Work is getting assigned. Details are being ironed out. Plans are being studied. Subs are getting tentatively scheduled. Nate says it feels good to get the ball rolling. We are well on our way!

Meeting the Subs

Today I made an executive decision. There is this signage in the hallway. And, I was asked if I wanted it or should we remove it. I said, "Remove it". You see, it hangs so low that I nearly hit my head on it. In fact, my hair brushes against it when I walk under it. Why would they put a sign so low you ask? Yeah, I asked the same thing. So, it is getting deleted. 

Low Sign

Sometimes things just get our funny bone. One apartment requirement is to have current and operable fire extinguishers within sight of anywhere in the hallways.

Extinguisher & Ice

Here is one. I guess this one Or, is it telling you to run down the hall and get ice to throw at the fire? Either way, we know there is ice. And, we know there is a fire extinguisher. I was pondering, was the person who put the sign there poetic and simply referencing a Robert Frost Poem?

The truth remains, all in all, even with the delays in the beginning, we are excited to see the development in our redevelopment project. Things are moving along swimmingly! We are limiting the consequences. 

And that is our project from my corner of the globe ~Bruce

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